Ziad K Abdelnour Author
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“Ziad is a highly skilled individual with exceptional leadership capability. I have rarely seen a person that can take on the volume of work that Ziad does. Not only is Ziad able to absorb a high volume of work but he executes with passion. When you have Ziad on your team anything is possible. It is an honor to know you Ziad.”

- Ruald Strydom, Director at CEO GOLF on 14 November, 2019

“As a fledgling young entrepreneur in London back in 2002, I got the privilege to meet Ziad K Abdelnour and listen to his words of wisdom and advise on business mindsets and what it takes to be successful. I have carried those lessons with me my entire life and continually follow his social media and recommend his writings to all my friends and business associates. I am very impressed by Ziad's achievements his intellect and prowess are unique and spectacular to say the least from what I have seen. :) He is one of my most trusted sources for mentorship and I value his advise at all given times.”

- Adam White, CEO at Dragon Phoenix Asia on 04 October, 2019

“Ziad....A true business warrior with a cause. One of the few remaining who truly believes in American and the great country it can be by empowering the dedicated entrepreneurs. Leading the Financial Policy Council and its mission to create an army of millionaires and billionaires, Ziad takes no prisoners in his quest to join with those who strive to make the world a better place while enjoying the fruits of their efforts. Should you need or desire a business partner in the areas of his expertise, there is no one better suited to get deals done. Direct, straightforward and sometimes abrasive, he demands respect but honors those with extreme passion for excellence in execution. But never mince your words or attempt to fake an opinion or you will be subject to his unwavering wrath! If you are fortunate to peel back the layers, you will find a family man with strong values and a giant heart. I am honored to call Ziad a mentor, a valued business associate, but most importantly.....a life-long trusted friend!”

- Barry Moniês, Visionary entrepreneur with a focus on technology and real estate on 30 August, 2019

“Working with Ziad is like no other. He will take you as far and high as you’re willing to go. And if you’re not willing and able to go to the absolute top, don’t bother showing up, because Ziad likes to win. Aristotle once said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit.” Ziad is the epitome of excellence. If you’re working with Ziad, you must be laser focused, committed to success, and ready to do the impossible, every single day. He has zero respect for ‘talking about it’ and the utmost respect for execution. There is no in-between. He is committed to excellence in every single aspect of business and life, and demands it of those he surrounds himself with. Having Ziad in your life will serve as a constantly rising benchmark for excellence. He will force you to be relentless with your goals and execution, or you will fall behind. You must say what you mean, and do what you say. Anything else is a waste of time. As a young ambitious entrepreneur, I consider his influence to be priceless. Over the past 2 years, I grew to have the utmost respect for Ziad, and am very grateful to be able to call him a friend and partner. I recommend Ziad without reservation.”

- Paul Vancea, Entrepreneur | Head of Publications at Financial Policy Council on 25 February, 2019

“I have been progressively involved with Mr. Abdelnour pursuant to a number of complicated and intensive business transactions. In these specific instances, Mr. Abdelnour’s scope of professional knowledge and “guiding hand” has been phenomenal to say the least. His outstanding guidance and direction (and the aforementioned superb business knowledge) was absolutely essential in moving the noted projects forward. I thoroughly endorse Mr. Abdelnour without reservations or forethought. A key maxim in business is to “deal with the best”; in Mr. Abdelnour you have “Better than the Best”! Sincerely Donald C. Brennan, Ph.D., ScD President Global Economic Development Group, LLC”

- Donald Brennan, Ph.D., ScD, President at Global Economic Development Group, LLC on 01 February, 2019

“Ziad is a true leader: inspiring, bold, provocative. He is not satisfied with potential; he creates & celebrates success. His vision is driving the next generation of millionaires & billionaires. He advocates wealth creation to enjoy freedom & to make positive impact. His track record speaks for itself. He does not tolerate BS. If your world view does not expand in his presence, then you're not paying attention. With every conversation, he will stimulate critical, independent thinking & motivate action. Whether through advising, investing, or leading the Financial Policy Council -- he is running the race to win; keep up if you can!”

- JiNan Glasgow George CEO at Magic Number on 22 January, 2019

“I have known Ziad for 7+ years and we have established a professional, personal, intellectual and spiritual relationship. Ziad is the quintessential Renaissance man; a brilliant leader; a dedicated friend and business associate, hard-working and loyal, principled beyond reproach and diligent in fulfilling obligations. In Plato’s Apology, reminiscing on the speech that Socrates gave at his trial after choosing death rather than exile from Athens or a commitment to silence, Plato quoted his teacher…"An unexamined life is not worth living". ZiadAbdelnour’s life has been one of inspection, introspection and achievement. He has transformed the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people who have come within his orbit of influence. Ziad is extraordinarily gifted at getting it right. He has a talent to think out of the box and comfort zone… to step out and step up to solve problems that confront us in today’s world. Ziad is a leader of men and women, an effective supernumerary who makes things happen, adaptable in his interaction to connect successfully with his co-workers and most important, loyalty to the people who work for him and with him. Ziad is principled and conducts himself with honor and integrity in his personal and in his business dealings. Integrity isn’t just about following the letter of the law. It’s about how you treat people, doing business in a fair and above-board way, and of course keeping your word. Ziad is extraordinarily motivated to perform right action in the face of confrontation and respectful but firm with those that differ with him. In the Yale Commencement address in 1886, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. declared “One would sometimes think, from the speech of young men, that things had changed recently, and that indifference was now the virtue to be cultivated. I have never heard anyone profess indifference to a boat race. Why should you row a boat race? Why endure long months of pain in preparation of a fierce half-hour, or even six minutes, that will leave you all but dead? Does anyone ask the question? Is there anyone who would not go through all its costs, and more, for the moment when anguish breaks into triumph, --or even for the glory of having nobly lost? Is life less than a boat race? If a man will give all the blood in his body to win the one, will he not spend all the might of his soul to prevail in the other? Ziad Abdelnour is a winner of races, hardworking, hell bent on success in whatever he undertakes, a true friend, a respected teacher and mentor, charitable with his time and money and the crème de la crème of human beings… I recommend Ziad without reservation! Respectfully, Stanford B. Silverman Founder and Chief Executive Officer Minerva Capital Management.”

- Stanford Silverman, President - Silver Betty Inc. | Founder & CEO- Minerva Capital Management on 19 January, 2019

“I had the privilege of working with Ziad on the Board of Directors of the Financial Policy Council in New York. Ziad is super smart and very well connected. Ziad is one of those people that is continuously educating himself and producing new ideas & connections. Ziad is a great person to know & work with!”

- Fabrizio Poli, Chairman & CEO, Aviation Advisor, Airline Transport Pilot, Aircraft Sales & Leasing, Futurist, Speaker & Author. London on 19 January, 2019

“As an evangelical Christian business woman, people ask me what my view is of this man named Ziad, whom I’ve observed for many years. I could start giving a dictionary of words to attempt to capture the essence of Ziad. However I am going to limit my descriptors to the ones that really fashion Ziad to me and convey why I am honored to know him, to pray for him, to do business with him, and to join him in his quest in making millionaires and billionaires across the globe. First, Ziad is shocking. This man knows how to get your attention so he can be heard. Second, Ziad is relentless. He will accomplish everything he says he will (he is diligent in his selections). Third, Ziad is truthful and will speak truth even when it will put him at personal risk. He can be trusted. Fourth, Ziad cares. Ziad wants to open the eyes of the masses to opportunities for changing the world for the good. He will educate you. Although humble is a word many may not immediately attach to Ziad , the man balances a huge diversified personality. This character of Ziad brings boldness when boldness is needed, shock when shock is needed, charm when charm is needed. Ziad requires people around him demonstrate the old motto: iron sharpens iron. This gets things done. Get his book and you will learn something.”

- Kathy Bazemore, Managing President and CEO at Volatile Analysis Corporation (BreathKeys - Microanalytics™ Brands) on 15 January, 2018

“Lethal and impactful in word and deed. So, if you’re comfortable personally and/or professionally I would heed in a different direction. But For those willing and eager to step into the rink and think they have what it takes, get ready for your world to shake. For those who have yet to read Ziad’s book, “Economic Warfare,” his name literally translates to “light in a world of abundance,” which becomes evident once you are in his captivating presence. Ziad is a superb speaker, and I’ve witnessed first-hand the way in which he takes audiences by storm--Stealing hearts and minds, may seem like a daunting task for most, but Ziad’s confident and compassionate nature makes it look effortless. It is because his every word and every action comes from the HEART. Professionally, Ziad is current yet distributive, infusing knowledge and experience across disciplines unlike any other human I know. Whether it’s trading, real estate transactions, market trends, investment, entrepreneurship advisory, mentorship, or presidential predications, Ziad is a genius when it comes to deal making and wealth creation. This gift, coupled with strong virtues and unmatched emotional intelligence makes him a master strategist and financial innovator that has the power to transform companies and industry. His leadership, centers around people, principles and winning—So be ready for a grueling vetting process because no one has a chance in breaking Ziad’s iron clad empire or harming those most dear to him. Personally, well, everything is personal. Ziad is all about Family, Faith, and Flag. He is an inspiration, a true American patriot and despises indifference. I will sum up by saying…if I was at the brink of war, in business or otherwise, I would do everything in my power to ensure Ziad was leading my troops. If you have the opportunity to meet with Ziad or attend a Financial Policy Council event, count yourself lucky and be ready for an experience of lifetime.”

- Zana Nesheiwat, Wealth Creator | Fixer | Brand ZA, Inc. | Blackhawk Partners, Inc. on 07 January, 2018

“When is the last time you heard the moniker Renaissance Man? This is exactly how I describe Ziad. He is clearly one of the best businessmen, as he ranked as one of the best CEOs in the world (in the top 60). That is usually where the rankings stop for others. That is also where Ziad just gets going. He is an author; an expert at policy; a mentor; a lecturer; a moderator and facilitator. The thread through all of it, is that he is a Patriot. A true and unabashed Patriot. If you interact with him, you better have your facts straight. Be prepared. He will have his and they will be handed over with a confident and direct delivery. If you are not at 100%, it might not be a good outcome. If you are prepared, however, the interactions will carry you to new levels. You will be better for the experience. How many people can have that effect on others? Not many. Just being one of the world's best CEO's would be impressive enough but that is not what Ziad is striving for. His mark is so much deeper and so much more interesting and important.”

- Chris Ksoll, Graduate at Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Citizen's Academy on 04 January, 2018

“Ziad K. Abdelnour says what most men are afraid to. THE COLD HARD TRUTH! Most people are turned off by that fact, I however enjoy the breathe of fresh air. Hes a seasoned financial professional and has extensive experience in finance and banking which adds quite a bit of credibility to the words he speaks. Snowflakes beware, he WILL hurt your feelings!”

- Zahir Khan, Vice President @ Anchor Finance Group on 03 January, 2018

“In today's global world, increasingly digital and filled with accelerating change, it is refreshing to read a source of pragmatic truth provided by Ziad K. Abdelnour's insights. I recommend his insights based on how these perspectives are consistently timeless, not "sugarcoated", nor delivered based on a need to be accepted.”

- Greg Paschall, Water & Environment (Proverbs 23:7) on 02 January, 2018

“Ziad K. Abdelnour is successful and often wise. He has business experience you will not find in textbooks. I have known him almost 10 years and know he gets to the point, tells it like it is, and is straight as an arrow. I have read that one must not trust business people over the Internet because 98% will lie to make money. Ziad does not do this and does not need to; He already has money and his integrity and self respect are just too important. Ziad loves Trump, Truth, and Lebanon. If these items upset you, you may want to seek help elsewhere. I may know a psychotherapist for you.”

- Ken Jones, Managed Trading on 02 January, 2018

“When I first came across Ziad's profile I knew there was something different. After reviewing his content, I knew there was no one else like him and I had to interview him for an article. Not only is he a very opinionated individual and out of the box thinker- he is one of the most down to earth individuals and genuinely wants to help people succeed in business and life. A person like Ziad never existed before and will not exist after he's gone- he has created a category for himself and is a true finance professional who is committed to serving his clients and empowering the next generation of mavericks, game changers and business leaders. If you get the opportunity to do business or have a conversation with Ziad, I am sure you will not regret it.”

- Fahad Mohammed, Chairman and CEO-BrandX Holdings |2x Huffington Post Featured Entrepreneur|Public Speaker on 02 January, 2018

“As an entrepreneur I always search for business perspective, in conversing with Ziad I get candid business input from a skilled business and financial professional.”

- Andrew Eros, Founder/CEO at Aeros Aviation Holdings, LLC on 29 September, 2015

"Ziad Abdelnour is a highly skilled financier who is a real student of the markets. He has developed over the years a broad and extensive experience in various aspects of finance, advisory, commodities, trade, and investments. He is a trusted partner who is passionate about his work and builds long lasting relationships. He is hard working, committed and diligent about everything he undertakes. He is driven to excel and pushes himself hard to achieve his stated goals. He thrives on a challenge and pulls everyone along with him. Ziad Abdelnour is a learned man and a voracious reader with a great intellect. He is honest, direct and a straight shooter. Most importantly, Ziad is a natural leader".

- Roy Salame, Vice Chairman - Global Commodities Group JP Morgan on 29 September, 2015

"Ziad Abelnour is a brilliant and fearless leader, as well as a visionary. He has a wealth of knowledge and always willing to share his expertise and insights in business and in life. Ziad is constantly pushing to shake the status quo to better society. His keen insight as to what's going on around him, not to mention, around the world, is unparalleled. Ziad is a one-of-a-kind individual, who I feel honored having had the opportunity to work with. He is transparent, loyal and extremely intelligent. A leader among leaders. I am proud to call Ziad my friend".

- Tommy Sirianni, FlexBorrow Partner on 28 September, 2015

"Ziad Abdelnour is a truly inspirational businessman and a creative leader. Not only has he created great success as a professional at the top of his game, but he's also an insightful author and an opinionated thought-leader who's not afraid to speak his truth. Whether you agree with his observations or not, he provokes controversy and makes you stop and reflect your thinking on many topics. I'm proud to call him a trusted colleague and loyal friend & I always look forward to his next move".

- Kelli Richards, CEO of All Access Group LLC, Digital Music & Entertainment Consultant, Super-Connector, Trusted Advisor on 26 September, 2015

"Ziad Abdelnour has a unique personality and is a true maverick. Everybody wants to get close to him and work with him. His motivational words and attitude towards work ethics are mind blowing. One should need lot of courage and determination to work with him. He is not a person who likes to get impressed with few good words but loves to see positive results. Ziad also has promising ways to promote any individuals who want to be successful provided they produce value to the industry. Working with Ziad is like riding on a winning horse., where you never like to let him down. Ziad Abdelnour is a great inspiration for the next generations. His books and speeches can make any person turnaround and achieve their dreams. A person to closely watch for the years to come"

- Prasad Tenjerla, Chief Operating Officer - Pam Ten, Inc. on 24 September, 2015

"Ziad Abdelnour is an amazing business man with a keen eye for reality and the God honest truth! Blackhawk Partners business principles are based on integrity, supported by the facts and brought to us by his insightful perception of global economics. I value Blackhawk's knowledge and acumen and look forward to his comments especially on how we in the US are being affected economically by domestic and foreign policies".

- Emilio Mahomar, President, CEO Resilient Media on 22 September, 2015

"I have known Ziad Abdelnour and Blackhawk Partners for several years now and can say Ziad is a high integrity business man with deep insight into commodity and financial markets, excellent business sense and a no-nonsense approach to life. If you want the straight truth and the best of the best, he is your man. If you have not read his book, you are missing out. http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Warfare-Secrets-Creation-Politics/dp/1118150120"

- Michael Clarke, Senior Business Analyst (Contract) at City of Winnipeg on 18 September, 2015

"I am honored to recommend Blackhawk Partners and its fearless leader Ziad K. Abdelnour as an esteemed friend and colleague. Ziad’s presence commands attention, whether it is on the financial, political or social front. His direct approach in dealing with all situations is worthy of acknowledgement. What many may not know of Ziad is his appreciation of innovative education, his philanthropy, his warmth and his humanity. These qualities, added to his financial and business prowess, truly render Ziad as a valued leader".

- Astrid F. Kowlessar, Business woman; Strategist; Ambassador on 16 September, 2015

"Straight talking, hard-hitting, financially and politically astute, well-connected, clear thinking and purposeful: Ziad Abdelnour is all of these things and more, bringing a razor-sharp intellect and precise intention to any investment he makes or considers making. He is, in short, the man you want on your team, provided your proposition is sufficiently compelling to get his attention!".

- Patrick Moore, Troubleshooter at Moore Wenham on 23 July, 2015

"Ziad Abdelnour is without a doubt one of the sharpest business leaders that I have ever conversed with. He possesses outstanding business acumen and knowledge of finance, private equity and also mastered the art and science of business etiquette. In addition to all these enviable attributes, Ziad has also taught me firsthand how to be a true servant leader by giving my time and expertise freely to others. If you're looking to do business with an individual who is in the top 1% I highly recommend that you do whatever it takes to seek out Ziad Abdelnour".

- Luke Havard, Advisor To SME: Capital, IPO, Exits, M&A, Joint Ventures | Managing Director Disentis Group, Impact Investor, A.B. on 02 September, 2014

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of the most perceptive venture capitalists in today's market and really understands what it takes to form a startup company, shepherd it to profitability, and make it grow. He "gets it." In a time when wealth creation is being denigrated, he is one of its foremost champions. I am privileged and proud to be working with him".

- William Arthur Wheatley, Originator of construction and security solutions. on 21 August, 2014

""Blackhawk Partners is the quintessential emerging physical commodities trading/private equity house in the market. Gets the job done no matter what and keeps you happy. Just make sure you are as straight with them as an arrow. Highly recommended."

- Jeff Abernathy, Financier on 18 September, 2013

""Ziad Abdelnour is special. He is a leader. He is smart. He is direct. He is a model. It's hard to describe a man like him, I could use the word "genius" but Ziad is better than a genius. He is simply the best. I respect and admire him. Ziad has my highest recommendations"."

- Matteo Lagreca, Fund Manager at Ares Quant on 12 September, 2013

""Ziad Abdelnour and Blackhawk Partners are focused investors, who treat stakeholders with respect. They are also straight forward and do not waste people's time. They also always provide reasons for saying no to an investment and provide excellent guidance, which is rare in that industry. Excellent academic skills as well"."

- Nicolas Photiades, General Manager at Gulf Finance & Investment Company (GFIC) on 29 August, 2013

""Blackhawk Partners are a Powerhouse of Knowledge, incredibly proficient not only in their Energy and Trading Sectors, but also in the areas of Global Economic Progression. Straight to the point, will not waste your time, and will leave you understanding that which you are about to engage in. Don't waste Ziad Abdelnour's time and he won't waste yours. Learn all you can and be sure to sign up for his updates. He is a leader in his industry and be sure to check out his best sellers on Amazon"."

- Brandon Mushlin, Redefining how you get Privately Funded. on 19 February, 2013

""Ziad Abdelnour is brilliant, ethical, and a success story weaved from hard work, passion & pure intellect. What makes him different is he not only cares but he doesn't rely on his talent, but uses that along with hard work. An image of what someone aspires to be & and a no brainer to invest, seek advice from or partner with"."

- Mark Hamade on 31 August, 2012

""How refreshing to meet a Wall Street insider who isn't afraid to tell it like it is and is a catalyst for the true reform this country needs to regain its status as the world's leading nation. Ziad Abdelnour is super-sharp, accomplished and bold, and he truly cares about our country's future -- a winning combination that, sadly, all-too-few of our financial -- and other -- leaders possess"."

- Steve Sipress, Founder and Dean at SSSMarketingUniversity.com on 05 August, 2012

""A role model in the world of global investing with his own unique, stylish methods of high finance, Ziad Abdelnour needs no introduction. He is not only a great thinker, but a doer, mover and shaker. Unwilling to accept the status quo, Ziad brings a wealth of knowledge to the table on many levels including financial and political impact, thereby raising the bar on a new level of public enlightment. A local and global force like no other, Ziad Abdelnour is the epitome of a social conciousness which impels to action"."

- Kristine Farra on 10 July, 2012

""Ziad Abdelnour is the epitome of class and character. His financial acumen, political insight, and leadership style create an environment for success and healthy business interactions, which are free of internal politics. He is not only a financial genius but also an authentic individual. I have been privileged to work alongside him on the further development of the Financial Policy Council, the premier online political think tank, and as a Partner with him at his firm Blackhawk Partners, Inc. On all fronts, Ziad's leadership style reflects his passion and commitment to excellence. He is a hardcore capitalist and patriotic visionary. His mission is to help others create wealth and to educate the public on sound fiscal policy. Most importantly, I have come to know Ziad as a personal friend and as a man of his word. He has shared a great deal of his business and personal stories with me, and I have been inspired by his unwavering determination, his resolute commitment to principles, and his earnest friendship. I recommend him to anyone for business or as a new friend"."

- George R Jensen Jr, President of New Business at Lloyd Bancaire on 03 July, 2012

""Leader, enthusiastic, passionate and judicious. An expert in wealth management and economics, patriotic and taking on any challenge. I’ve worked with Ziad Abdelnour on some projects at Blackhawk Partners. He’s a key role player in the worlds’ most active markets and have what it takes to drive your business to an upper level. A triumphant person to work with"."

- Guy K. Bitar, Pepsi Beverages Account Handler in KSA on 23 January, 2012

""What echo does a voice resonate without a viewpoint? In Ziad Abdelnour we have a tongue that will neither be stayed nor unheard. He has something to say and through his writing he offers the opportunity for others to give reverberation to his words. Blackhawk Partners offers a simple message that through focus and effort anything and everything is possible. Ziad Abdelnour is an individual with the foresight and enthusiasm to be heard and make a difference. I look forward to his next endeavor"."

- Jay Lifton, Investment Executive on 04 January, 2012

"“Ziad Abdelnour is a leader in global investing. He is very informed and astute. No doubt his new book "Economic Warfare" will be a best seller.”"

- David Kruth, VP, Goldman Sachs Asset Management on 07 December, 2011

""Ziad Abdelnour is one of the most insightful individuals I have ever met. He is able to look through the noise and see the critical pieces to any situation. Ziad can clearly articulate key elements and highlight the necessary decisions to make when action is required. I think anyone looking for someone with thought leadership, or to advise them, would be well served working with Mr. Abdelnour"."

- Bruce Smith, Chief Strategic Officer, Answers.com on 06 December, 2011

""I've had the opportunity to come to know Ziad Abdelnour and in the short while I've known him, I've found him to be an extremely trustworthy and knowledgeable source of the financial services industry. He's an example of everything that makes this country great and it shows in his new book Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics. His enthusiasm is contagious and his candidness allows him to break down Wall Street into layman's terms. Whether it's reading his book or working with he and his team at Blackhawk, anyone can benefit from connecting with Ziad"."

- Larry Farnsworth, Communications Director for Representative Lee Terry on 05 December, 2011

"“Ziad Abdelnour is a one-of-a-kind action oriented professional. He has a unique ability to get the job done whether its managing his family offices assets, doing a private equity deal or writing a book. Ziad gets it done and well! I highly recommend Blackhawk Partners and its founder, Ziad Abdelnour!”"

- April Rudin, Founder and CEO, The Rudin Group on 30 November, 2011

"“Ziad Abdelnour is a super smart, fearless and charismatic financier and business leader. He thinks out of the box, values innovation and achievement and is a great mentor and contributor to the business community at large. To know him is a pleasure and honor. High praise and enthusiastic recommendation.”"

- T Mehta, Director / Senior Trader, Traderina on 30 November, 2011

""Bold, persistent, decisive and with laser like focus, Ziad Abdelnour knows how to get what he wants. He strives for excellence and aims high, earning him respect as a colleague and business partner"."

- Abe Inkidar, Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Audit Commitee at Academy of Strategi on 21 November, 2011

""I have known Ziad Abdelnour since the Wharton School days. Even then, you always knew where he stood. Like or not, his position on all matters was crystal clear. No ambiguities. Ziad Abdelnour had, and has, a compass and he follows it faithfully wearing his heart on his sleeve, critics be damned. His success to date was easy to predict. His success to come is still to be written"."

- Ron Stocknopf Ben-Zeev, Strategy - Business Development - Startups - Co-Organizer Orlando Startup We on 21 November, 2011

"“Ziad Abdelnour's shrewd, stylish, unique judiciousness, traverses the worlds of high finance, Politics, and now literature. Rather like the black panther, he moves stealthily to achieve his goals, demanding nothing but the best from those who are fortunate to encounter him. A true visionary, Ziad thinks outside the box, his mastery is second to none. Authentic, tough, compassionate, and brutally honest. Totally unparalleled,Ziad Abdelnour and his team at Blackhawk Partners are truly in a class of their own.”"

- Caroline f Kennedy, Fundraiser/Organizer/Consultant, Foundation for Smoke Free America on 20 November, 2011

""Blackhawk Partners is a highly skilled professional in their field - financial sector. Always responsive, kind, quick, sharp thought and ready to give sound advise. Highly recommended!!!"."

- Hristo Gaydarski, Business Owner | Visionary Entrepreneur | Human on 05 October, 2011

"“I have known Ziad Abdelnour since our days at Drexel, over 25 years ago. He is the real deal, authentic. He continues to be very efficient, honest, and smart. The man fully understands business warfare on a global scale, and knows how to create and preserve real wealth."

- Tom Blinten, Financier on 01 June, 2011

"“I have brought several advisory clients to Blackhawk. Each and every time Ziad was direct, spot on in his analysis and not only knew the faulty structure of my clients deal, but most importantly how each one could and would be correctly executed. The complexity of the transactions, and the genuinely unique solutions approach Ziad provided, gave stability to the transaction that otherwise could not have been accomplished.”"

- John Clinedinst, Financier on 23 May, 2011

"“Ziad is a man of superlatives who always leaves a strong impression. For me, his 3 major characteristics are (1)his incredible drive and energy, (2)his ability to always sense and be "where the action is" and (3)his strong set of principles and desire to make a difference."

- Elias Aractingi, Vice President and Head of Operations, Interaudi Bank New York on 21 May, 2011

""Ziad, It has been a true pleasure building our relationship to date, I have strong belief our partnership moving forward will be something special as we build out our platform, taking multiple positions in a diverse set of portfolio companies that we can foster and build up together. Your deal making wherewithal, innovation, global reputation, street smarts and direct candor at all time's along with your down to earth approach has resonated within DPG. This approach will un doubtly bring substantial value to our joint work and investor base moving forward. I very much look forward to the future, working with you while jointly changing the world and empowering a new generation of entrepreneurs, management teams and shareholders. Our joint visions will unfold and result in the creation of outsized returns and overall absolute value to our trusted investors, families and partners longer term. I thank you for the guidance always and for being authentic, god will hold us close my friend. All the best, Daniel P. Galvanoni"."

- Daniel Galvanoni, Chairman, DPG Investments LLC, DPG Lending LLC, DPG Energy and Natural Resources L on 20 May, 2011

"I have worked with Ziad for some time now and have been impressed with his intellectual grasp of business matters - Servicing and Providing his Client with relentless Service!!!! Ziad holds no punches and attacks the problem like a surgeon. He is meticulous and makes sure his clients have options and he guides them in making prudent decisions. You learn watching and working him. Anyone who works with him and his team will appreciate the traits of leaders and established businessmen: Honesty, Trust, Service, Savvy, and most importantly -Tenacity. Ziad is a true Business Warrior and never exudes Weakness."

- Francis Caamano,CEO - Co Founder,Oak Hill Realty Advisors on 02 February, 2011

"I have known Ziad Abdelnour for over 20 years. He is a man of the highest integrity. If there is a financing/equity need which must get done, Ziad should be the first phone call. He starts with the organization and analysis of the data and then focuses on the target groups. There is no waste of time. He is highly respected in the financial markets and his level of experience allows him to give his clients access to varied capital sources. He moves the project along efficiently and stays with it until the closing."

- Sharon Bender, Senior Vice President, Greystone Business Credit II on 17 January, 2011

"We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.” Sun Tzu I have been getting to know Ziad Abdelnour for over a year and what I have learned of him during this time is that his focus is razor sharp. Ziad is a formidable opponent and displays an incredible ability to adapt to any situation, thereby earning his station, as Sun Tzu would put it, as a “heaven born captain”. I can count on one hand the number of men or women I would categorize as such, but Ziad, with his tenacity and unadorned successes makes no apology for his fearlessness, belief system or his sometimes-impersonal approach to investing, nor should he; after all, this is business, not a garden party. Ziad Abdelnour walks with kings, knows no stranger, is constantly prepared for whatever life throws at him; he is never surprised by people or circumstance and can therefore make quick and informed decisions that lead him to certain victory. If I ever had to go to war, I would want Ziad there to lead me into battle. Ziad Abdelnour will over promise and over deliver; in knowing that, I recommend my steadfast colleague and friend."

- Sarah Colvin, Business Development, Investor Relations and Capital Introductions, Consultant on 31 December, 2010

""Ziad Abdelnour is very simple to recommend: a. Reliable b. Honest c. Actually Directly Connected to Principals d. Professional in his Approach e. Performs 100% of the time for Valid Business Proposals. f. A True Entrepreneur the Leader in the Curve of Learning"."

- Vicente Galindo, CEO/ Investment Advisor at SWC LLC & Other Companies on 30 December, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is a polished, astute, and extremely erudite business professional whose direct and cogent manner quickly encapsulates any value of the deal. There is much to learn from this man and his powerhouse Team at Blackhawk Partners because they are constantly evolving in ways which are unconventional and novel; in order to keep competitors and proteges alike on their toes. With Ziad and his team, time is never wasted. Value or nothing. I am honored to associate with him and Blackhawk Partners and highly recommend their services"

- Jeff Hearon, Director, [scio-ltd holdings] on 24 December, 2010

"Meet the True Warrior of the financial world. Ziad Abdelnour reminds me with the legendary General George S. Patton, America's greatest combat general of the Second World War. He is bold, fearsome and he craves excitement in the field of strategic planning and financial conquest. Ziad 's greal success in the financial world did not come about by chance but rather from a lifetime of study and preparation. He is an authentic intellectual whose study of the subject at hand, and his professionalism is extraordinary. What little we know of Ziad's passionate side is only what he permitted us to know about him. Ziad Abdelnour is a highly compassionate and caring leader for all of his hand picked employees and partners at Blackhawk."

- Raouf Guirguis, Adj. Professor (Physiology & Biophysics), Georgetown University on 13 December, 2010

"A successful executive that is honest, reachable, controversial yet stimulating, and forthright are just a precursor as I describe Ziad Abdelnour. I Know that as Blackhawk's CEO, his team is equally dynamic and as such, will be a primary reach out for our organization when the time is right. "Strategy is the great work of the organization. In situations of life or death, it is the Tao of survival or extinction. Its study cannot be neglected." An honour...."

- John Dover, President, NelCorp Inc. on 10 December, 2010

"" Blackhawk Partners is the most bad-ass investment firm on Wall Street which has a leader to match. In the brief time I've had the honor to work with Mr. Abdelnour, I always bring a notebook to capture all the insight and knowledge that he shares with no reservations. A modern day Gordon Gekko with an even sharper wit, not only does he execute in markets that others are shy to approach, he obliterates them. I look forward to continue learning from him and I'm eager to see what new ideas he'll put into motion"."

- Ali Curi, President, Hispanic Professionals Networking Group (HPNG) on 06 December, 2010

"Knowing greatness and seeking advice from a real business professional often has many challenges because there or people in this country who believe they are either too busy to respond to phone calls or emails or won't bother engaging in any type of dialogue if you're not on their playing field. There are of course exceptions to this rule and Ziad Abdelnour is that exception. He is quick to respond to emails which provide priceless words of wisdom and action steps, if implemented will take your career to new heights, topped off with motivation! My interaction with Ziad Abdelnour and Blackhawk Partners over the past 3 months has been a liberating experience and his ability to change people's lives and influence society is truly remarkable. He is transparent in all that he does and he is a world class gentlemen. I recommend blocking out thirty minutes of your day to study Ziad and really get to know him both professionally and personally because he is a powerhouse packed with knowledge, inspiration, and has that "it" factor that many people desire, but few possess. I am honored to have had the opportunity to interact with him and I look forward to what our future has in store for us."

- Gary Rabatin, Private real estate investor & bulk REO trader, Gold Bar Funding Group L.L.C on 26 November, 2010

"There are 3 I's that apply to Ziad Abdelnour, Blackhawk's CEO: Intelligence, Integrity and Insight. Ziad is an incredible human being with a firm grip and understanding of the financial situation in the US and indeed all over the world. Moreover he is a man with great vision, ambition and is indeed an inspiration to us all. He puts his points across with conviction, determination and more importantly with well informed market intelligence. I believe Blackhawk Partners is and will continue to have a phenomenal impact on the world of finance. I am wishing Ziad continued success in all his endeavours and I am very pleased to know him."

- Zena Miscony, Board member and Treasurer, IBI-Iraqi Women In Business International on 24 November, 2010

"I had a chance to work with Blackhawk on several occasions, and I can say that Ziad is one of the sharpest and well rounded business professionals I have had a chance to work with in my career. The depth and breadth of his knowledge and contacts is truly impressive, and I very much look forward to ongoing collaboration with him and his partners at Blackhawk"

- Michael Fox-Rabinovitz, CFA, FRM, CAIA, President, Risk Analytics on 13 November, 2010

"A true measure of an entrepreneur's success lies not only in their intellect and business acumen, but in their ability to communicate, work with, and create solutions that benefit all parties involved. That involves qualities that go to the inner core of the individual - integrity, authenticity, and passion for principle. Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is that consummate professional, who brings the same passion for life and his ideals to the business sector. Everyone should be fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet Ziad and his team at Blackhawk, if just for 15 minutes. They have brought real insight and realism to a number of projects I have worked on"

- Dennis Cannelis, Management Consultant and Investor, Ardour Capital Investments on 11 October, 2010

"Blackhawk Partners epitomizes business acumen and ingenuity combined with the ability to connect and deliver. I recently attended one of his partner meetings and was taken aback by the breath, diversity and quality of his business network that spans across the US and beyond which speak for itself. I can only but congratulate Ziad and his team for their accomplishments and give my best wishes for the future"

- Pete Chatziplis, Director Finance & Development, EUUSA on 08 October, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of the sharpest, most intelligent and knowledgeable businessmen I have ever dealt with. He is a no non-sense top performer whom you can always count on. I have the pleasure of highly recommending Ziad and the Firm he leads; Blackhawk Partners, to anyone who is simply searching for THE VERY BEST."

- Mohamed El-Shawa, President & CEO, Shawa International on 03 September, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is an impressive leading thinker and businessman. He is outspoken, bold, and states his views courageousely (hard as nails), convincingly, and to the point. This forthright attitude, and "True Blue" honesty, character, and experience are found in rare leaders and pragmatic, practical visionaries, who can and will play an important role in making our troubled world a better place. Ziad is a true "Renaissance Man" internationalist, multi-talented, multi-faceted, multi cultural, multi lingual, able to bridge the sadly widening cultural gaps between east and west. His business acumen, insights and impressive contacts globally, can only be matched by the high esteem he enjoys from those who know him. All these qualities contribute to making Ziad one of the more brilliant business-people, and entrepreneurs, with whom I will continue to explore and develop new opportunities with him and Blackhawk Partners, for our mutual pleasure and reward."

- Andrei Peterson, Owner - Managing Director, EEC Management Ltd - Corporate Advisory Services on 01 September, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is a rare combination of visionary and fearless leader who inspires us all. When we think of true Renaissance Men, we think of urbane, educated thought leaders with varied and diverse interests and knowledge....such is Ziad, who is never afraid to express well-considered opinions, to structure complicated capitalization projects, or to capture competitive deals. I would always want Ziad and Blackhawk Partners as my colleagues on any deal capture team. This is a man who loves America and has loyalty to his homeland, Lebanon. We agree on many issues, disagree on others, but I will always value Ziad's wise counsel and sage advice. Besides, he laughs at my jokes. We have too few true leaders. We all would be less if Ziad was not in our lives. Ziad Abdelnour is truly a GIFT."

- Stephen Day, CEO, Day Capital Partners, Inc on 30 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is "The Best of the Best." If you are in need of avantgarde thinking & "balls of steel," you have come to the right place. I look forward to continue to collaborate with Ziad & Blackhawk Partners whenever possible."

- Katherine Owens, Owner, Emperor Select Consulting, LLC on 29 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is a true "Mover and Shaker". When we worked together in the late 90's you could tell then that great things we going to happen with Ziad. He is a visionary who "tells it like it is"...refreshing in this day and age. My advice?...listen and learn! Ziad knows what he is talking about and Blackhawk is his baby! I sure hope our business paths cross again and again."

- Michael Gegenheimer, Senior Managing Director, THCG on 28 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is a genuine gift to the business and political worlds, both domestically and globally. He's a strong, clear and well spoken, proactive leader with a precise skill at successful execution in each endeavor he chooses. Anyone who knows him is blessed on numerous levels to experience who and how he is. It's a great pleasure, Ziad. Always the best of best wishes to you and continued success for Blackhawk."

- Nicole N. Abdallah RN, BSN, CCM, Owner, JND Healthcare Management, Inc. on 27 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is an authority in the investment and global finance fields. His willingness to help others and share his knowledge makes him a very valuable individual to know, do business with and learn from. I would recommend him and Blackhawk Partners to anyone."

- Abdelrahman Abdalla, Financial Consultant, ME Invest on 21 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour knows everybody who's elite in the world of finance. Full of genius solutions, he has that coveted gift of making the impossible seem easy - and has it down to an art form so he can have the balance ruling the world, yet enjoy life & relationships. Over the years, it's been a treat to observe his rare breed of charismatic leadership bring out the best in those around him. Most importantly, he's an instinctive listener. With Ziad Abdelnour and Blackhawk Partners, you're in expert hands."

- Sam Naughton, Business Matchmaker (Owner), Outside Insight on 20 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of those, unfortunately, rare individuals who fits the profile put forward by Mr. J.P. Getty in his book 'How to Be Rich', - "It has always been my contention that an individual who can be relied upon to be himself and to be honest unto himself can be relied upon in every other way. He places value - not a price - on himself and his principles. And that, in the final analysis, is the measure of anyone's sense of values - and the true worth of any man." He is an inspiration and a true visionary who appears to thrive on the responsibility that greatness brings. In a world short on true leaders he is a beacon. I hope our roads will cross again in the future allowing me the opportunity to gain from his knowledge and expertise."

- S Hojgaard-Sorensen, Managing Partner, BM Global LTD on 19 August, 2010

"Without a doubt, a rare & consummate gentleman. Ziad Abdelnour stands out amongst the great modern day financiers. He possesses an extreme grasp on the intersection of financial policy, government politics & the global economy second to none. His desire to share his knowledge & be substantial global influencer is impressive. I recommend to anyone to follow his blogs & readings at Blackhawk Partners as I have. His energy & passion is inspiring. I would welcome the opportunity to network, partner or mentor with Ziad Abdelnour and the powerhouse he has built anytime."

- Leslie Wright, Web Application Software Development/Digital Marketing, Wright Strategies, LLC on 18 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is an incredible gentleman and executive to work with. He is direct, honest, trustworthy, and incredibly hard working which are the exact traits you are looking for when doing business with someone. I would do business with him and his organization Blackhawk Partners anytime, anywhere, anyplace because of his character and integrity."

- Pete Olsen(Twitter & Social Media Specialist), CEO, Growing Twitter and Social Media on 17 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour has a rare passion for life ... his energy inspires all of those around him and no matter how busy he may be reading one of his 800 daily emails, he always finds time to respond. It is this passion for life and all that he does that makes him such an inspirational leader, constantly challenging your perception and paradigm of the business world. For those who are lucky enough to do business with him and Blackhawk Partners, Ziad offers a no-nosense attitude to investing...if he is interested he's in, if it's not worth his time, he's out. This straightforward approach is refershing and whether you like the direct attitude or not, you always know where you are. I look forward to the years ahead when no doubt we will all get to follow his rising star."

- Malcolm Bell, Managing Partner, Zaggora LLP on 17 August, 2010

"It has been a pleasure to work with Ziad Abdelnour and his firm Blackhawk Partners. I have found him a regular source of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom for most, if not all, matters pertaining to investment, finance and business. I would have no hesitation recommending Blackhawk Partners to other executives who are looking for a business partner who continually added new value to their organization."

- Ross Stewart Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, The Oil Council on 16 August, 2010

"I not only respect and appreciate Ziad Abdelnour as a business associate but consider him a friend. Blackhawk Partners was introduced to me approximately five years ago and though ashamedly I cannot recall the individual who made the preamble, due to Ziad's larger than life presence, he was anything but forgettable. Over the years we have touched base in regards to different offers or venues and I am continually impressed by his knowledge, expertise and inspired by his honesty and generosity."

- Jamie Lynn Vince, President & CEO, JLV Consultants & Investments Inc. on 15 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour has sharp viewpoint about life and have full energy to follow bold goals. Despite his continued success, he keeps himself extremely practical and keep learning and changing. Ziad has fair judgment, has built a great organization, respects his words, and is a person I enjoy to work with."

- Mike Le, Co-Founder, Conative Business Inc on 15 August, 2010

"I had the opportunity to work closely with Ziad Abdelnour and I can assure he is a person extremely skilled in dealing with other people. He is straight, without frills and has the (great) merit to speak his mind and go ahead regardless of everyone (particularly ineffectual persons). I'm sure that in few months I've learned from him and Blackhawk Partners more than in several years."

- Paolo Grill; Independent financial advisor on 14 August, 2010

"I have been very impressed in my dealings with Ziad Abdelnour to date by his dynamism, friendliness and extensive knowledge of the banking and investment sectors amongst others. Blackhawk Partners; the Firm he leads ambition and achievements speak for themselves."

- Stuart Eu, Consultant, Specialist Consultancy on 10 August, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour embodies persistence, creativity, perfection and most importantly passion in everything he does! Dealing with him and Blackhawk Partners is an eye-opening experience and always mutually rewarding. Ziad gives 100% to everything he does, be it professionally, socially or to causes stemming from his beliefs and growing ambitions. Just simply get to know him."

- Muhannad Qubbaj, Managing Director - Business Development, Gulf Capital on 12 May, 2010

"“Ziad Abdelnour is professional, skilled and an overachiever . He is a sharp observer of the business he is involved in. My curiosity about his interesting profile, led me to interview him for a new international magazine. From the beginning, he presented himself as an open networker, helpful and cooperative. As the answers betray, his strong commitment oriented to results achieved, determination and total focus on the aims that would make him the perfect captain of the company he leads Blackhawk Partners; where his work is undeniable"

- Scarlett Williams, Editor Assistant, Editrice Le Fonti s.r.l. on 13 February, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour and Blackhawk Partners are one of my dearest strategic resources. They are a mentor, an advisor, a sounding board and real friends who believe that the truth is the firmest foundation upon which to build a business enterprise. These guys are razor sharp and don’t dance around the issues – They say what they mean and they mean what they say. Comfortable and confident with their knowledge and expertise; and, consequently, their power and wealth. In this era of situational ethics and bottom line mores, Blackhawk Partners stands for principle and good business. We would not be in the current economic crisis if there were more men like Ziad Abdelnour guiding the concerns of Wall Street. I heartily recommend Ziad and his team at Blackhawk….Absolutely outstanding team who can move mountains."

- Wesley Whittaker, Principal, Wheatfield Business Development & Research LLC on 12 February, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of a kind. He is a straight shooter who knows exactly what he wants, where he is going and how to get there. He is the consummate networker and deal-maker; not afraid to share, where appropriate, to get the deal done. With laser focus, Ziad and his power team at Blackhawk are shrewd evaluators of people and deals. They are truly a breath of fresh air in that they consider their clients and partners first. Maybe my views are biased, but then Ziad Abdelnour & I share many similar thoughts and opinions. I look forward to continue working with him and his Blackhawk Team"

- Bernie Slome, Principal, @Sales & Marketing on 07 January, 2010

"Ziad Abdelnour is a very capable and talented with endless contacts in the Private Placement Program business. Blackhawk Partners has been instrumental in helping to ascertain the quality and probability of several deals that I have submitted to them. Blackhawk Partners is a very diverse and influential organization whose performance can best be characterized as professional and fruitful. Blackhawk Partners is a direct extension of Ziad Abdelnour's relentless energy and focus on consummating successful transactions. I strongly recommend Ziad and his organization.."

- Tyrone Kimbel, Program Manager, CNSI on 20 December, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners represents the epitome of talent. Wise, efficient, respectful and skilled listeners, they have a great ability to first listen to, and then pin-point individual business needs, thus, finding ways to improve upon them (in any economic backdrop and/or situation). I am fortunate our paths crossed in life! Ziad Abdelnour is a rare gem of a person and business professional"

- Lissa Tucker on 24 November, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is a firm of the highest integrity with an in deep knowledge of their business. Very transparent regarding their work and expect the same for people they conduct business with. As to the firm's CEO Ziad Abdelnour; he will not hesitate to vent his displeasure if he feels clients are not being honest and straight ward with him. I strongly recommend the firm to any of my clients and have done so many times in the past. Mike Steel."

- Michael Steel, Managing Partner, St George Consultancy Ltd on 09 November, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of those magnetic personalities that attracts extremely high caliber people into his realm. As a networker, he is stunning! As a person, he is as real as it gets, with no BS. It is refreshing and a pleasure to know Ziad and his amazing team of partners at Blackhawk, and to be invited by him into a large circle of excellence and genuineness. If you do not know Ziad Abdelnour, you are missing one of those rare people who magnetically creates the opportunities for people to do business"

- Mike Weiner, President/CEO, Pre Construction Catalysts, Inc. (PCC Funding) on 09 November, 2009

"It's an honor to add my recommendation to the myriads of recommendations Blackhawk Partners has received from business partners and friends. I particularly commend the firm leader Ziad Abdelnour who combines the attributes of inspirational, organizational and ethical leadership and has worked so hard to build trust in the financial world. He is accessible to everyone with new ideas and yet maintains focus on his core values and principles. I look forward for opportunities to collaborate with Blackhawk Partners in business and service to mankind"

- Isaac Udotong, Founder/CEO, Isatong Limited, Inc. on 08 November, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners has one of the most inventive minds I've ever run across. He's a pleasure to work with and continues to be one of the most zealous figures in the private equity business"

- Anthony Tijerino, Vice President, Iron Capital on 05 November, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a no nonsense, focused and results oriented business leader and trader. He is informed, experienced and effective. Recommend highly"

- Toral K. Mehta, Senior Trader, Traderina on 03 November, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is truly a rare find. His passion for success does not fully capture his enthusiasm for total victory -- and nothing short of total victory will suffice for Ziad. Ziad often says that he has more than 300 mentors as he has read and studied more than 300 biographies of tremendous individuals from all walks of life. Therefore it is no surprise to me that Ziad is smart, savvy, skilled and most of all, Ziad is real. He will tell you how it is without any fanfare. I not only respect Ziad, but I've come to love him as my brother. Ziad is not your typical banker, he is an advocate for entrepreneurship and he will work his ass off for those he trusts and believes in. You cannot find a better financial advisor or lead investor than Ziad and Blackhawk Partners"

- Ronald Achs on 02 November, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners are one of the most connected and creative bankers around"

- David Deutsch, President, David N. Deutsch & Company LLC on 01 November, 2009

"In the few short years I have known Blackhawk Partners, I have found them to be outgoing, honest, straight forward, and above all always willing to tell you what they think. As to Ziad Abdelnour, he is one of the few Wall Street Chief Executive Officers whose opinion I value and will always seek"

- Randy Redstone, Project / Business Development, R.S Redstone on 31 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is a true business visionary with a unique knowledge of geo-politics and financial & commodities markets. He has exceptional leadership skills and CEO contacts across the industries that are invaluable. I highly recommend doing business with him and his powerhouse; Blackhawk Partners"

- Chuck Brooks, Vice President, SRA International Inc. on 31 October, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners are real astute investors who I have had the pleasure of working with on a few deals. I look forward to working with Ziad and his team again in the future"

- Uday Mahtani, MD, Laurus Capital Management on 31 October, 2009

"Just to let you know that if you work with Blackhawk Partners you will end up with a concluded transaction. They are real sharp, connected to the right people and shrewd businessmen. They are no nonsense and serious players and require you to be the same. If you have a real deal to discuss with them, you should..."

- Leon Katz on 31 October, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners are a group of maverick no nonsense straightforward financiers who tell you how they see it. As to Ziad, he is master of using the best intelligence to get the deal done. If you are looking to get the job done, Ziad is your man and Blackhawk your Firm. Their approach is so refreshing in the pest infected financial services industry"

- Mark Minevich, Founding Partner, Global Billions Club (GBC) on 31 October, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is a group of very forward thinking and creative individuals. They are extremely well connected in the financial world. I look forward to working with them on several of our finance projects"

- Barbara Bickham, Founder, CEO, TechGenii, Inc. on 26 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a very experienced and passionate investor who gets things done. He is pragmatic, sharp and driven by vision and challenge. His track record speaks for itself: He is a true wealth and value generator"

- Philippe Sayegh, Associate Director, Stelae Technologies on 13 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a very energetic and astute finance professional. Unlike many in his role, he is very straightforward and blunt and sees no value or need in vacillating or beating around the bush. He is very well connected within many different communities and has significant experience in many types of transactions. His wisdom comes from being on the front lines of high level finance. I would recommend Blackhawk to anyone out there. Period"

- Alan Braverman, Partner, Private Equity Group, US Trust on 13 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is truly a thought provoking and greatly motivating individual. Every time I meet or speak with him he delivers the goods whether it was what you want to hear or not he will bring out the best in you and give you every opportunity to get better and find you highest potential !!!"

- Thomas Duffy (LION], Owner, Venture Capital International LLC on 09 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is such an inspiration to me. Not only is he a very brilliant investment banker, but he is also a remarkable individual that I can look up to. Ziad is a real intelligent partner and excels in everything that he does. He is extremely professional and his sense of leadership makes him one of the top leaders in the industry and beyond. I am truly happy and proud to be a part of his network today. If I had to use one word to describe Ziad, it would be Excellency. Naima Moore"

- Naima Moore, CEO and Founder, The Elite Investment Group LLC on 05 October, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners should be and will be a case study for academics who are looking for drivers of success in international business. I hope we will continue to develop business opportunities over the next 25 years"

- Michel Renirie, Owner, Renirie Advisory on 05 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is the most tireless, driven, passionate person I have ever met. I am greatly impressed by his knowledge, intuition, and business and networking prowess. I am confident that whatever Ziad touches will be executed in the most thorough, excellent, result-oriented way. As such, Ziad has a 'golden touch' that transforms businesses and environments around him"

- nna Collier, Analyst, Goldman Sachs on 04 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is top notch, extremely to the point and very well connected. Not only understands the whole cycle and beyond thinking, but a trustworthy individual, all the aspect a good human and a business man needs to outstand the rest, look forward to work with Blackhawk again. Henrik"

- Henrik Zitny on 04 October, 2009

"Always reliable... Always positive... They are the definition of can do.."

- Antoine Crassa, Vice President - Financial & Investment Advisor, JPM Chase on 04 October, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is a group of very well connected no-nonsense businessmen. They will tell you like it is whether you want to hear it or not. I can see Ziad�s business growing substantially in the years to come"

- David Borish, Co-Founder & President, Midtown Capital Group on 04 October, 2009

"The men who manage men manage the men who manage machines but the men who manage money manage the men who manage men.....as the founder of the 33 year-old www.ceoclubs.org I know more CEO's than anyone I know. Ziad is unique among money managers and CEO's appreciate that uniqueness. Joe Mancuso"

- Joe Mancuso, ceo, ceo club on 04 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is one of the best connected, most committed, and passionate persons I know when it involves entrepreneurship and business creation. His tireless pursuit of trying to help others become success makes him a unique and often sort after individual. In good times and bad, he stands shoulder to shoulder with you, helping, mentoring, connecting, and eventually getting you to the place you want and need to be. As an asset, there is none greater. As a colleague, there is none better"

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners exemplifies passion and a true love for what he does. And those qualities standout and are reflected in the quality of service he provides both to those with whom he engages in business as well as with his fellow man on a personal level. While he is a modern day warrior on the battlefield of finance and commerce, carefully preparing himself and his troops for a successful campaign, he also wields the sword of truth and justice - and gives his all for humanitarian purposes as well. A very much welcome paradox in today's world! Ziad exemplifies the Golden Rule in all he does. If you haven't had the privilege of doing business with him, I strongly urge you to do so. The experience will fill you with riches beyond your wildest imagination"

- Robert Mochwart, SVP, Chief Risk Officer, Popular Financial Holdings on 04 October, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is beyond high energy. I call him the Energizer Bunny or EB for short. We correspond at all hours of the day and night. To say he's well networked would be a dramatic understatement and he's unselfish in facility networking with others. He's very responsive, quick, polite and direct--no wasted time; to the point"

- Jeffrey Balash, Managing Director, Drexel Burnham Lambert on 04 October, 2009

"I know Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners through the Wharton School of Finance, where he was a presenter for the 2009 Reunion. Ziad was one of five speakers on the Milestones Towards 25 Years of Leadership Workshop. Ziad was an inspirational speaker, willing to share his extensive experience in global markets with a very diverse audience of fellow MBAs, students and professions. He spoke with passion and enthusiasm. He was humorous and extremely knowledgeable. His experience with family owned businesses combined with the vastness of his success captivated the audience while inspiring them both personally and professionally. I look forward to working with Ziad again! I would not hesitate to ask him to present to any audience in his area of expertise. Debra Kleine, Associate Director, Wharton Annual Fund"

- Debra Kleine, Associate Director, Wharton Fund, The Wharton School on 18 September, 2009

"I have known Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners for over 25 years now. I can only describe Ziad as irrepressible, confident and a go-getter. It has always been a pleasure interacting with Ziad professionally, because things get done, and personally"

- G. R. Sam Seraphim, Owner and Partner, Fieldston Investors SIGI, LLC on 09 August, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners likes to work on big deals, have GREAT follow-up, and is all about getting things done. If you want to work with people who are serious, will respect your time, and will shoot straight with you - whether in the private equity market, PPMs, or commodities- you owe it to yourself to seek working with Ziad and his team at Blackhawk"

- David Newby, Marketing Director, Rock Solid Financial Group LLC on 31 May, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners likes to work on big deals, have GREAT follow-up, and is all about getting things done. If you want to work with people who are serious, will respect your time, and will shoot straight with you - whether in the private equity market, PPMs, or commodities- you owe it to yourself to seek working with Ziad and his team at Blackhawk"

- David Newby, Marketing Director, Rock Solid Financial Group LLC on 31 May, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners brings a high level of energy with him into any transaction and is someone that will follow through to the end. Ziad has great relationships that span across many industries and countries and I am fortunate enough to call him my friend"

- Chris Andersen, Partner, GC Andersen Partners LLC on 26 May, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a hard charging, brilliant financial executive who can dig into the heart of a company to find value. He is a great person, a tough negotiator, unfailingly fair, and a friend beyond the terms of any deal. I am happy I met him, proud to have worked on a deal with him, and I look forward to much more to come"

- John Fontana, CEO, Hot Stuff Foods on 26 May, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is a very brilliant man who has written some of the best comments on the Oil & Financial Industries He is quite a teacher and if you do not deal with Ziad it is you that lose as I respect him highly"

- Stanton Canter, Owner, International Petroleum Groups AG LTD/ Florida Gas & OIl Inc USA on 23 May, 2009

""Blackhawk Partners is a power broker who know when they seize an opportunity when they see it and do not waste time. They are extremely proactive in follow up and recognizes the power of creating and protecting a strong network. One can be confident that he or she is dealing with the best when speaking with Ziad Abdelnour and his team. Personally, my relationship with Ziad has led to numerous business opportunities and even the addition of my COO""

- Karl G. Schlegel III, CEO, Blackstar Group LLC on 23 May, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is an energetic, well-connected group of financiers who will work tirelessly on a project from inception through development to completion. Get it done is their middle name!"

- George Stein, Managing Director, Commodity Talent LLC on 23 May, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a world-class business man, investor and money manager and it is always a pleasure to deal with him"

- Elie Azar, Manager, Ernst & Young - M&A Transaction Support on 21 May, 2009

"In the time that I have known him, Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners has represented the good and noblesse oblige that an individual can achieve when they decide to act for the better good. As a friend, business partner and confidant, I look forward to years of learning and success together"

- Robert Gallucci, General Partner / CISO, Landmark Ventures on 10 May, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners simply put is a rather remarkable man. A unique combination of heart and wit, has a deep perspective in the political landscape. Expert in energy and financial markets and is very connected within the venture community. He gives abundantly to anyone he respects and he carefully understands the art of listening. Willing to share his point of view, mentors when appropriate and has an outstanding cross section of talented friends and colleagues. Should you have an opportunity to interact with him it will likely be a memorable experience"

- Michael McCabe, Managing Member - McCabe Consulting LLC, on 05 February, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a much-needed voice of reason on Middle East politics, and matches his beliefs with investments of time and money"

- David Teten, CEO, Teten Advisors, LLC on 23 January, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners has a knack for finding interesting and creative investment transactions and puts great energy and determination in everything that I have seen them work on"

- Robert Wages, Executive Director - Private Equity, Abu Dhabi Investment Company (ADIC) on 23 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a trusted friend and business partner. With $30 billion USD in business transactions under his belt, he is second to none. I highly recommend Ziad for any global business venture dealing"

- Maher Abuhamdeh, CEO, Founder and CEO, Planet Cellular, Inc on 21 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour of Blackhawk Partners is a true thought leader and visionary. As a newcomer to NYC, I turned to Ziad for trusted business advise. He is a consummate professional whose enthusiasm and astute business sense provides endless inspiration. It's a privilege to consider him a friend and colleague, and I strongly recommend him in any business capacity"

- Dana Romano, VP, Business Development, SignalFive on 20 January, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is one of the real movers-and-shakers in the global business environment. Their generosity and zero BS approach in sharing their experience and insights with others leads to success for all. As to Ziad Abdelnour; his knowledge and experience in global investment banking, private equity and commodities broking make him one of my most valued connections"

- Graeme Nichol, President, Arcturus Advisors on 19 January, 2009

"Having worked with Ziad Abdelnour, CEO of Blackhawk Partners on investment opportunities, one thing is clear -- Ziad is an ACE financier! As a young professional in the PE/VC field, he is someone I look up to and aspire to emulate because of his exceptional business skills and personal qualities . When Ziad speaks, he speaks with clarity and purpose, cutting to the heart of an issue. His high level of professionalism, sincerity, and leadership are very rare. In this unprecedented economic environment when it seems that the titans of the finance industry are tumbling, he continues to shine. I would follow him anywhere..."

- Ish Dugal, Investment Professional, Paladin Capital Group on 19 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is an exceptionally astute and experienced professional whom I have known for over two years and who is quite well known in many major international business circles for his excellent knowledge and insight into the intricacies of delicate negotiations in private equity transactions. His generosity with this knowledge is demonstrated by him being invited to offer classes in major seminars and meetings, in the Middle-East and elsewhere. People wanting a person in their corner who genuinely knows his business should examine his investment group�s website at www.blackhawkpartners.com and if he and/or others on his team offer the expertise needed, then they should have some serious conversation with Blackhawk Partners, to determine if there is good synergy in their particular circumstance"

- Ed Botting on 19 January, 2009

"Blackhawk Partners is one of our industry growth capital visionaries on a global scale. They not only can foresee where the markets are going but take a strategic approach to help his companies adapt and succeed in their growth and investment path"

- JonMichael Bukosky, GM Los Angeles & VP of Content, VeriSign & m-Qube on 19 January, 2009

"When you are about to do business with Ziad K. Abdelnour, you're about to experience an individual whose insight, mindset & soul purpose are directly tied up and bound to his business Blackhawk Partners; which is that what he really loves to do.. ! Consider yourself lucky to meet someone like Ziad. Ziad is very straight, direct, disciplined, self empowered, motivated and has a tremendous nose for who's real and who's not, which business will make and which won't and has an absolute experts knowledge... He looks at the global picture from a higher point of view; not as much physically but mentally. Ziad, thank you for being a part in my reality and am happy to have you as one of my friends..! Always up for the best of the best..!"

- Hilde M. Makkinje, CEO, MissM@c LifeStylezz BV on 19 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is an expert in knowing the right people and seeing their potential. If you have a client that needs capital or expertise in any field, Blackhawk Partners will make it happen"

- Thomas Duffy, Owner, Venture Capital International LLC? on 19 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour is one the most powerful men in the WORLD !!! Great networker, open minded, open hearted professional, VC/PE guru and Blackhawk Partners is his horse"

- Rafal Rostek on 10 January, 2009

"Ziad Abdelnour? One of the very top Financiers I have ever met. Careful not to waste his time though.Not productive"

- Milton Rodrigues on 22 August, 2008

"Ziad Abdelnour is a NO non sense business professional that is always on his �A game! If you do business with Blackhawk, you'd better come prepared!"

- Gary Cortell, CEO, MassComm TV on 25 March, 2008

"Blackhawk Partners can help you find that needle in a haystack. Thanks greatly Ziad"

- Christopher Chapman on 24 December, 2007

"I know Ziad Abdelnour very well and have had the honor to work with him personally on a few projects in NY City years back; and I have the greatest admiration and respect for him and his team at Blackhawk Partners. A very professional and dedicated person. Ziad Abdelnour comes from a well known family in the Middle East. He is from one of the very few people in the world today who possesses the vision and the passion to make our Middle East a better place. He has taught me a lot in the corporate world of the US as well and is one of the few people in my life that I'm grateful to have known and worked with. God bless you my dear friend Ziad and God bless your family"

- Ziad Awad on 31 October, 2007

"A visionary and inspirational businessman with a gift for incisive and frank delivery and a refreshing ability to sort the wheat out from the chaff. I continue to watch and learn from Ziad Abdelnour in awe and with respect. Having finally coincided diaries with Ziad for a 121, I've gained even more insights into the way he works, his razor sharp insight, humor and candor. The personification of driven, Ziad seeks out, senses and acts on opportunity with a zeal I've only encountered occasionally. The passion he has for his work is inspiring. He's a mover, shaker, dealmaker and a consummate networker. It's always fascinating to see true entrepreneurs in action and learn from them, I'm still watching. Watch out for Blackhawk Partners"

- Emma James on 05 July, 2007

"Having had the opportunity to work with Ziad Abdelnour and his Team is just a pleasure....He is A Diamond in the rough, a no nonsense top player, and simply put... amazing human being....excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise; risking more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is practical and expecting more than others think is possible that�s what the man is.."

- Jeff S Rosen, Associate trader, Petro Associates on 24 June, 2007

"As if Ziad Abdelnour and his Blackhawk Power Team need any recommendations, it's like preaching to the choir, how superfluous and senseless.... All the same, a gem of a professional in a day and age, prevalent with flakes and scammers, Ziad can only renew one's faith in businessmen with integrity and exemplary professionals for his all-around, jaw-dropping, heart thumping excellence! Imposing and overwhelming, he is....... and may he remain! "

- Angelina Lazar, CEO, Global Project Capital on 17 May, 2007

" Blackhawk Partners has inspired my overall strategy for global PR services through the Firm�s unique understanding of the economic & business arena. Even a simple conversation with such powerhouse can help anyone"

- George Karahalios , Director, Business Development, Think Pink Ltd on 02 April, 2007

"Ziad Abdelnour and his Team are straight-forward and determined business people who don�t like to waste any time. In few words, They like the action, are razor sharp, and I, from my side, recommend them starting with Ziad to all those who like to gain immediate results extended in a long future."

- Antonio Gennaro, Chairman, GenDemon Minerals & Oil Ltd on 30 December, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour and his Team at Blackhawk are thoughtful, intelligent and driven to close transactions on a timely basis. I am certain that a deal is high quality when Blackhawk is involved"

- Pravan Malhotra, IFC-World Bank Group on 29 December, 2006

"You simply cannot find a more capable advisor for private equity transactions, alternative investments or physical commodities trading than Blackhawk Partners under the leadership of Ziad Abdelnour. Unlike so many financial advisors they will never waste your time. If you are looking for someone who has a uniquely effective understanding of the global marketplace for financial investment and trading, who knows how to get the deal closed and who possesses the highest integrity...Blackhawk Partners is your team"

- Andrew Gold, CEO, StraitShot Communications on 29 December, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour and his Team at Blackhawk have impeccable credentials as bankers and investors with a broad-based knowledge of international markets and the regulatory landscape. I find Ziad to be a trusted partner in business with deep insights into deal structuring and execution. I heartily recommend Blackhawk as a savvy and trusted partner in business"

- Wm. Terry Krueger, Sr. Managing Partner, Nova Capital Partners, LLC on 29 December, 2006

"You want the good news ...or the good news. Ziad is a top player in this market. A man with smarts, character, tenacity, and soul. He has the foresight to see the compelling aspects of a good story and once he believes, Ziad is unstoppable! Trilogy Capital Corp has an excellent working relationship with Blackhawk Partners and would unequivocally recommend them"

- Barbara D'Amato, President/CEO, Trilogy Capital Corp on 28 December, 2006

"I have known Ziad Abdelnour since 2002. He is a triple threat, with strong analytical and corporate finance skills which complements his institutional private equity network second to none. When Blackhawk is involved in a transaction they do their homework!! This is appreciated by private equity investors and bankers alike. Ziad' s hard-charging approach to "Getting The Deal Done RIGHT" gives him the intangibles required in the competitive equity environment, and keeps everyone on pace"

- Glen Mastey, Managing Director, TerraNova Capital Partners on 14 November, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is a phenomenal, dynamic and inspirational leader with a very positive, charismatic and charming personality. His attention to detail is outstanding and second to none coupled with his thorough business acumen and expertise. I would recommend him and the Blackhawk Team to anyone who need the Firm�s business knowledge and know how in their team to live the Dream"

- Sue Wiltshire, Business Specialist, Cisco Systems on 05 November, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of the most driven, creative, and successful deal makers I have ever had the pleasure to work with in any capacity. His vision in recognizing the potential for multiple companies to come together to meet market needs while creating highly profitable and valuable new companies is unmatched. A no nonsense leader who wastes no time and who leads an outstanding Swat Team of professionals at Blackhawk"

- Darby Hershey, Business development consultant, Various on 24 October, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is a highly determined businessman with leadership drive and broad understanding of economic, political, cultural and technology issues. His main competence is, of course, in investments/finance and at Blackhawk he demonstrated strong experience in venture capital, private equity, M&A and a variety of related financial disciplines. He is also a tireless networker with vast global contacts"

- Vladimir Dimitroff, Director, PRISM Consulting (UK) Ltd on 06 July, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is a genius when it comes to networking and the person I know that is best when it comes to understanding the value of building relationships. He�s extremely sharp, focused, sincere and passionate in all he does. Love working with Ziad and his team at Blackhawk as all we do together really rocks!"

- Patrik Eriksson on 02 May, 2006

"I have had the privilege and good fortune of knowing and working with Ziad Abdelnour for over 25 years. I have watched him develop from a Wharton undergraduate to the savvy and powerful dealmaker he has become. At this rate, I can only imagine where he will be 10 years from now. If you need the job done he is the man to go to as he has also built an organization second to none. No doubt about that! "

- George Bubaris, Founder, Bubaris Commodity Consultants on 30 April, 2006

"There is no fluff or false compliments just strategic and empathetic advice and reasoning . Ziad has protected me with dishonest partners and clients full of market ego . I know many wealthy and powerful people but I chose Ziad to be my� advisor and friend . I'm honored to have worked with him and his Team at Blackhawk for over seven years now and through turbulent times with dignity. "

- Cheray Unman, Chairman & CEO, Venture Bank on 25 April, 2006

"In an age of mediocrity and self-promotion, Ziad Abdelnour is that rarest of rare commodities: someone who not only knows the path but walks the path. Many people profess to know how to right the ills of the world; very few are taking action to do so on a daily basis. From the first time we spoke, in late 2004 , it's been my pleasure and privilege to know Ziad and the Blackhawk Partners team and had the opportunity to work with them"

- Patrick Moore, Managing Partner, Moore Vyas Associates on 09 April, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is a consummate networker with efficiency at heart. As a VC, he is a trend setter whose criteria are worth considering. Reaching such a level of knowledge will give me such a success one day. I highly recommend Blackhawk Partners as a power resource to fuel up first your network but most of all your business skills"

- Philippe Nicola?-Dashwood, Founder & CRDD&E CPO, [TechnoForge] on 06 April, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of the real movers-and-shakers in the globalizing business environment. His extensive experience in global investment banking and private equity, plus his generosity in sharing his insights with others, makes him one of my most valued professional colleagues"

- Christian Mayaud, Managing Director, the Verticom Group on 04 April, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is a man of principal. He is charismatic and a very resourceful person. What I appreciate the most about him is his ability to share and articulate his vast knowledge of this industry without expectations which makes him a rare breed in this business. I consider myself privileged to work with him and his partners at Blackhawk on a couple of deals and I highly recommend them as the financiers to go to if you want to close a deal"

- Kam Nasabi, Principal, KAMA Enterprises LLC on 03 April, 2006

"I find Blackhawk Partners to be an extremely professional, highly intelligent group of people and a pleasure to work with"

- Robert Ainbinder? on 02 April, 2006

"Ziad Abdelnour is the consummate financier. He is a man of integrity and incredible focus. Because of his keen intellect, energy and drive, he enjoys growing success in his business and political interests. He is a leader and yet takes time to mentor and help others reach their full potential. I expect that Ziad will continue to be a major force and an exemplary leader. If you want to succeed, emulate Ziad"

- Margaret Orem, CEO, ExecSolution Inc on 01 April, 2006

""If there is a person that has the skills, intellect and network of Ziad Abdelnour I am unaware...He will give you the shirt off his back to help and is one of the nicest human beings to boot...his knowledge of the industry has few peers""

- Andrew 'Flip' Filipowski , CEO SilkRoad Technology, Inc on 01 April, 2006

"With Blackhawk Partners, the deal will get done, done right, done quickly, and you always know where you stand. If you are not interested in closing quickly with professionals all around and having everything straight up, you should go elsewhere. If you are, Blackhawk Partners is it no question and you should feel privileged to be able to work with them"

- Franco Scalamandre, President, Sterling Atlantic on 25 October, 2005

"Given the honor of knowing Ziad Abdelnour, is truly a once in a lifetime event. The energy, dedication, and passion are contagious to anyone associated with him and his Team. Relationships are built on trust and when you get to know Ziad Abdelnour, he becomes your sincere friend. I am thrilled to call him my friend and would highly recommend Blackhawk Partners to anyone interested in moving mountains and walking on water!!"

- George Becker on 05 September, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is a great person with strong values and beliefs. He is full of energy and ideas and he gives a lot of inspiration to the people around him. He is very direct and gets to the point quickly - this guarantees a fast moving process, when Blackhawk Partners is involved"

- Finn Majlergaard on 02 September, 2005

"Dear Ziad: Thanks for the opportunity and the efforts that you made to level the playing fields of global finance. Time is my scarcest commodity but an indulgent allowance is made to Blackhawk. I cannot elaborate on the testimonials below as they speak volumes of the visionary you are. Best of luck"

- Gavin McInnes on 30 August, 2005

"In my humble opinion, Ziad Abdelnour is the greatest networker there is on earth - He shows me that there is so much to learn every day....I'm very pleased to be connected with the Blackhawk Partners team and I hope to be able to learn as much I can from this connection, and I hope to be able to give back what I gained .... Thank you again for all that knowledge I gain so much just by visiting the Blackhawk Partners website!"

- Torsten Kinzelt on 30 July, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is refreshingly to-the-point and one of the first people I turn to when looking for financing options. Blackhawk Partners business plan templates are a great tool to help structure business ideas into professional plans. I hope to have more opportunities to work with Ziad and his outstanding Team in the near (and far) future"

- Michael Bruck, Managing Director, Tripod Capital International on 07 July, 2005

"Blackhawk Partners venture capital expertise is without question rigorous in its approach and therefore qualifies real value inside businesses to invest in. I am happy to recommend the Firm to anyone who means business"

- Thomas Power, Chairman Ecademy on 22 June, 2005

"Working with Ziad Abdelnour over the years has been a real pleasure. He is extremely hard working, fair and a professional with ethical values. He will see a transaction through to the end, covering all details thoroughly"

- Bill Livanos, President, Marquest Inc. on 21 June, 2005

"They broke the mould when they made Ziad Abdelnour....He is quite simply a unique individual, an outstanding leader with an unparallel knowledge and understanding of corporate finance and what it takes to build world class businesses. I endorse Ziad and Blackhawk Partners without hesitation or reservation"

- Steve Higgins, CEO SJH International? on 21 June, 2005

"I find Ziad Abdelnour to be open minded, open hearted and a real �We can change the world! kinda guy�. I look forward to deepening our relationship over time and presenting our entrepreneurial venture for consideration by Blackhawk Partners... that's when things should really get exciting. Thanks, Ziad, for your leadership, business savvy and passion"

- Joel Hodroff on 29 May, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is the rare example of a person who has a handshake that truly means something. Ethics with vision and most important of all, he is HONEST. I am proud to know him and his Team. "

- Jeffrey Kohutka, ?CEO, KoHi Corporation on 11 May, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is a class act! I always appreciate his perspective on opportunities I and my network are looking at. He is incredibly intelligent and insightful on projects requiring an international money perspective. I recommend him and the Blackhawk Partners Team to anyone who needs the smartest strategic investment capital available"

- Peter Strople, Chairman & Founder, Zero2Holdings LLC on 23 April, 2005

"In the martial arts, great masters usually allow a few selected students to learn from them. Ziad Abdelnour goes way beyond that: He is not only a master - and master teacher - of his (very broad) discipline of business, but he goes out of his way to share his wealth of experience with a large and ever increasing number of people, and is himself committed to learn from them as well"

- Ian Herwig Rollett on 18 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is, exceptionally, both a thinker and a doer. Though the word exceptional doesn't really do him proper credit. Likewise inspiring, motivating, visionary and the like - he is all of these things, and more. If you are lucky enough to work, talk or even break bread with this man - seize the opportunity with all your hands, he will have a tremendously positive effect on your life"

- Huw Owen, Owner, CC4Web.tv on 18 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour and his team at Blackhawk are no nonsense performer. They recognize value in individual's and supports those who offer true support. Their ability to cut through the issues and define the direction enable them to deliver your dreams"

- Ian Plumbley, Business Developer on 18 April, 2005

"Ziad�s team at Blackhawk is an entity created by his ability to push talent to beyond its natural creative boundaries. Ziad has a remarkable combination: Presence, Intellect, Directness and Loyalty. He is always inspirational, focused, but leavened with humor. His work-rate is phenomenal (still can't figure out when he sleeps!) and he has an awesome detail absorption rate. A complete original!"

- Denis Barnard, Director, HRmeansbusiness Ltd on 18 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is the most effective investment/merchant banker whom I have worked with in my 20-year career. His selection criterion is high, but if a firm is fortunate to attract Blackhawk Partners they will benefit handsomely. Ziad Abdelnour is the ultimate finance professional. He understands his craft and attacks projects with tenacity. Moreover, he is a gentleman"

- Michael Luther, Founder, Luther Capital Management on 17 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of those rare people who will unite the world from the top. As a top executive head hunter for global VCs, I've seen exceptional individuals. Saying that Ziad is one of them would be like saying Walt Disney had a gift for drawing cartoons. Ziad Abdelnour is a star, a charismatic leader, but also somebody who makes things happen and truly cares about people. It's my privilege to endorse him"

- Val Golan, Golan Consulting, Inc. on 17 April, 2005

"Outstanding investor and VC / Private Equity expert. Ziad Abdelnour brings a wealth of experience plus an impressive global Rolodex to his portfolio companies. His approach to financing is highly entrepreneurial as he always puts the client company's real needs first. If you are looking for a true partner to take your firm to the next level - you won't find a better merchant banker than Ziad Abdelnour"

- Sev K-H Keil, Chairman, TrueChoice Solutions Inc. on 17 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is very professional, authoritative and exudes an unmistakable presence. There is no doubting Ziad is a serious player in his field. He has a proven track record second to none. I would highly recommend that you invest time in getting to know Blackhawk Partners and working with them. They should be No. 1 on your list!"

- Simon Warman-Freed, CEO Xploit International on 17 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour has given of himself tirelessly in carving a no-nonsense pathway between entrepreneurs and money men (VC/Investors). In so doing he has helped to de-mystify the arena in which he has gained an enviable reputation over the past 20 years. Thanks to his approach, laymen like me get an educational insight the like of which I could only have dreamed of even one year ago"

- Shaun Gisbourne on 17 April, 2005

"I have known Ziad Abdelnour for a short time now and cannot recommend him highly enough. He is a no nonsense communicator and has laser like focus. If you are connecting with him and his Team to help your business be prepared! I do not know anyone with the same level of knowledge they possess on funding businesses"

- Warren Cass on 17 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour gives his time and expertise freely to his friends and business associates without expecting anything in return other that the opportunity to learn from one of the great leaders in the financial industry. It is my privilege to recommend Blackhawk Partners to anyone looking to take their business to the next level. Blackhawk Partners will revolutionize the VC world others will try to emulate his model"

- Nina Camp on 06 April, 2005

"I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Ziad Abdelnour over the past five or more years. He is a high energy, high intelligence practitioner of merchant banking and, equally important, conducts himself with the highest standards of integrity"

- David Pohndorf, Managing Director, Source Capital Group on 05 April, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is an extraordinary gentleman. If he had lived a few centuries ago he would have lead a revolution or conquered a new world. Instead he conquered the world of finance and is revolutionizing it's practice. I would not hesitate for a second to endorse his character, his work and his integrity. This is not a man to be messed with"

- Richard Banfield, CEO Fresh Tilled Soil on 05 April, 2005

"How would I describe the man after meeting with him? Powerful - Great Vision - Great Presence � Experience. All these words do not say enough to describe the impression that Ziad Abdelnour had on me after an hour of his time. I can only hope that we will be able to meet again in the future and I STRONGLY recommend every entrepreneur and business networker to interact with Blackhawk Partners and experience Ziad's true tale"

- Noah Rosenblatt on 02 April, 2005

"Every conversation with Ziad Abdelnour is a surreal experience that will empower you to think at a much larger scale. He is prompt, decisive, and brutally candid in a way that benefits all, and is genuinely passionate about leaving lasting positive impacts on the world. Ziad Abdelnour has been tremendously generous with his time and knowledge, both as a friend and mentor, and has a terrific sense of humor to boot!"

- Raj Shahani, Founder & CEO, Katana Media LLC on 22 March, 2005

"The body of knowledge that Blackhawk Partners has is truly exceptional. I learned more about the realities of business funding interacting with them in about a month than in 7 years working on DTI projects"

- Alan Rae on 10 March, 2005

"I have worked with thousands of business people during the last twenty-five years. Ziad Abdelnour is quite simply the best there is"

- Shaz Quereshi on 03 March, 2005

"I met up with Ziad Abdelnour recently and I must say that the man has that fantastic ability to be genuinely charming, entertaining and very generous on the one hand, and very professional, authoritative on the other, while always exuding an unmistakable presence. Ziad has a proven track record second to none. I would highly recommend that you invest time in getting to know him and his team on Blackhawk. They should be No. 1 on your list"

- Simon Warman-Freed on 02 March, 2005

"Though cookie this guy, yet one of the brightest kind! Best role model I met so far; one who truly understands and lives the meaning of the word empowerment. If you really made the decision to move forward, listen, ask, think and get involved pronto! You'll be surprised where you'll find yourself, when looking back after a few months. Power with a heart"

- Lisa Bakker on 07 February, 2005

"I see all the iron is in the face as well as under the shirt of this man. Down to CONCRETE and no bullshit. It would be difficult to stop this man from becoming a leader and achieving something many others can just imagine. Wish to add oil to the lofty goals of Blackhawk Partners"

- Gordon Zhang on 28 January, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is perhaps the most impressive person I have met in the context of business. He challenges and provokes thought in a way that can make sensitive souls uncomfortable. It is clear to me that he always has the intention of sharing his knowledge, experience and insights. He knows the true value of money and power and the responsibilities that come with it. More power to you Ziad"

- Derek Jones on 20 January, 2005

"Just hooking into the Blackhawk Partners Team's experience can seriously accelerate your knowledge of the venture capital game. Their insights are worth their weight in gold. Engage with them and you're in for an interesting ride. They hit hard, you learn fast. No touchy feeling stuff, just plain talking tell it how it is. Dispel any lingering thoughts that the worlds on your side, find out how it really works and avoid blowing yourself out the water through ignorance. Thanks Ziad Abdelnour. When asked I'll say you trained me"

- Graham Robson on 18 January, 2005

" Ziad: You inspire by leading, practicing what you preach, giving tirelessly of your time, energy and opinion. You challenge yourself and your peers to do better, reach higher and live by the sword. A true iconoclast, fearless and truthful. What a joy to know you"

- Tia Carr Williams on 18 January, 2005

" Ziad: Thank you for not forgetting about me when the Universe seems to be reminding me that to reach the highest peaks you sometimes have to go downhill...I'm really looking forward to getting more involved with Blackhawk Partners"

- Martin Schmalenbach? on 16 January, 2005

"Blackhawk Partners combines entrepreneurial innovation with hard-nosed business savvy. Their access to capital, great connections and track record make them a valuable connection for anyone who is committed to making a difference and experiencing the potential latent in them and their business. Ziad Abdelnour lives up to his name in translation because he truly is a �Servant of the Light�. He offers change and vision where others fear to tread."

- Marcus Cauchi on 16 January, 2005

"Over the 6 years that I've known Ziad Abdelnour, he has consistently demonstrated extremely clear thinking, strong judgment, and access to excellent opportunities. I've known Ziad to be a straight shooter who gets things done with efficiency and a powerful, purposeful focus"

- Jed Freifeld, General Partner, BroadCap Ventures LLC on 13 January, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is an amazing dynamo. Sometimes I wonder how he finds the time and the energy to network with so many people as well as proactively drive Blackhawk Partners. Keep it up. You are the heart of Blackhawk"

- Ravindra Gopal on 08 January, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is a force to be reckoned with. He is exceptionally sharp with an enquiring and critical mind that has, no doubt, been the solid foundation to his successful work to date. I have spoken with Ziad a number of times and found him to be extremely approachable and helpful. Ziad understands about sharing knowledge and helping each other - you should connect with him. Talk to him and his team at Blackhawk Partners to truly understand and appreciate the effort that he has put in to helping others. Not a man for small talk nor excuses and so a friend of mine. �Ziad, I look forward to us working together in the future"

- Stuart Oliver on 06 January, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is a true professional who has a unique understanding of business issues. He really understands the meaning of execution. That, coupled with a great sense of humor, is a winning combination"

- Enrique Mesones, President & CEO Smart Connections on 04 January, 2005

"Ziad Abdelnour is a very experienced banker. He will not waste time with deals that are not appropriate for his Firm. If he things your transaction is not investment grade, he coaches you to improve your value proposition. Ziad does not want to waste your time or his Firm�s time by trying to do the impossible. He focuses on the do-able. "

- Ted King, Managing Director, Saddle Rock Advisors on 03 January, 2005

"If there was something like �Businessman of the Year 2004 �, he surely would be the title holder. He adds so much value to any smart entrepreneur that he is the reason I connect with him and his team at Blackhawk. Credit must also be given to him for his 'no ego' approach for communicating. Truly a leader. Thanks Ziad, see you 'over' the top"

- Dimitri Likissas on 30 December, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is an extremely sharp financier- creative, energetic and bright. His track record speaks for itself. He's also a consummate dealmaker with a fantastic rolodex- he knows people in virtually every industry"

- Ganesan Subramanian? on 29 December, 2004

"Ziad: As one moves through business and life you only meet just a few people who you know are destined to go further, higher and beyond known expectations and you my friend are definitely one of them. You contributed enormously throughout your career making the VC-life and motives more transparent and accessible to all of us. You showed true leadership virtue as an example for most of us here. I have known you know for quite some time now as you assisted many, taught and led us all to be a better person in life as well as in business, understanding the realities in the business life. You are a true strategically and tactical genius and I am grateful for your presence in my life!. Thanks Ziad! Great to have you as a true Friend"

- Peter Luiks, President & CEO, Asia Centre for Consulting Excellence on 19 December, 2004

"The efficient allocation of capital is the life blood of the capitalist system. Ziad Abdelnour is one of those rare, exceptional people whose immense intellect, experience and integrity make a difference in the way the world works. He is shrewd and wise, accomplished and insightful, creative and highly adept"

- Peter Fuhrman; Merchant Banker and Senior Operating Executive on 23 October, 2004

"Ten minutes after talking with Ziad Abdelnour about a startup deal, I knew that he would be the person who can make things happen. Blackhawk Partners has the skill and expertise needed for sourcing and structuring new ventures. I was surprised with how quick they considered serious and sound business plans and provided immediate professional assistant in moving forward with the process of funding"

- Fadi Chahine CEO, Regional Press Network on 15 October, 2004

"The best I can say may not be a sufficiently good recommendation for Ziad Abdelnour. He is punctual, accurate, and quick to implement new ideas. Ziad helped me a great deal few years ago to work on some financings. He has a rare ability to select the right solution at the right time. If I've got an eye for talent, I am convinced, that Ziad Abdelnour is one man that is going far in this world"

- Serge Atlan, ?CEO, Atlantic Republic on 10 August, 2004

"I worked with Ziad Abdelnour on a couple of projects starting at the top of the Internet bubble. It was refreshing to see an experienced professional with clear vision and a capacity to execute amid chaos. Working with him in the past few years just confirmed my first impression. I would highly recommend Blackhawk Partners for the Firm's honesty, business sense and ability to deliver"

- Patrick Suel, CEO & Founder Acutend and Genentex on 21 June, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour� s profile is highly understated. He's accomplished, aggressive and results-oriented. More importantly, he has a good character and is someone you can trust completely! Finally the most remarkable thing about Ziad is that in spite of his success, he is very accessible and generous of his time and energy. I endorse him with pleasure. "

- Kirstin Myers, Founder, Globond International on 25 May, 2004

"I have worked with Ziad Abdelnour and found him to be most honest, honorable and performs in a timely fashion. He has consistently performed as promised and a joy to work with"

- Steven Sanders, Counsel, Rubin Bailin Ortoli,LLP on 16 May, 2004

"Blackhawk Partners has distinguished itself by consistently generating creative financing solutions for multiple corporate needs across varying industries in different business cycles. Clients can depend on high touch service with satisfying results. Ziad Abdelnour is a leader with vision who understands well the dynamics of risk, competitiveness, and success"

- Christopher Culp, Director Bus Development, LifeOutcomes on 15 May, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is a wonderful and insightful leader who can get to the core of any complex issue. He has a great grasp of globalization and its business impact"

- Deepak Desai, CEO, Global English Corporation on 13 May, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is one of the best deal makers on Wall Street. Smart, driven, insightful and with a list of contacts that gets the deal done. A great merchant banker and the guy you want on your side"

- Patrick Kedziora, CEO Growth Advisors Inc on 08 May, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is an impressive professional. Not only well-versed and accomplished in the world of finance, his geopolitical knowledge, contacts and access are astounding. Ziad is exactly the type of individual anybody who is serious about winning would want on his or her team. My dealings with him have been both educational and helpful"

- Keith Clinkscales, Media Executive on 03 May, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is a man who is extremely focused when it comes to business. He does allow clients to go off on tangents to drift from the business at hand. He is a closer and a fantastic team member on any deal no matter what the size and scope. He is a man of many talents and connections"

- Stan Elbaum, CEO, Equity Capital Investments, Inc on 02 May, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is a senior merchant banker with substantial experience in assisting technology and middle market companies in their corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions needs. I have personally referred several of these companies to Blackhawk Partners which I believe demonstrates my confidence in him and his firm"

- Matthew Gensler, Managing Director, Ravenswood Capital Group on 11 February, 2004

"Ziad Abdelnour is a serious and extremely professional merchant banker. It is a pleasure working with him as his approach is straight down the line and he is able to cut to the chase quickly. This together with his invaluable market knowledge, give him an edge in terms of selecting the winners and working together with them to actualize further success"

- Marcelle Saul-Sheiman, Owner, Presidio Strategic Capital on 08 February, 2004

"Dynamic. Well-informed. Fair. Quick to decide and right on target. Each contact with Ziad Abdelnour has shown that his sense of what is going on--of what a business is and how it should be financed--is correct. And when things are not perfect, as is bound to happen, he has a skill for knowing that and making sure things get better. A person who shares fairly (and squarely)"

- Stephen Kohn on 31 January, 2004
