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Securing the Future of America: The Path to Prosperity.

By : Ziad Abdelnour| 22 June 2023
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The future of America is a topic that has been on the minds of many for years, and for good reason. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the challenges facing America seem to grow more complex by the day. From economic inequality and political polarization to climate change and cybersecurity threats, the issues facing America today are as diverse as they are daunting. However, despite the challenges, there is hope.

This is what I believe are some of the most salient features that will take to save America and where future funding should go.

Let’s try and approach the problem of saving America with a fresh perspective. Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,” and Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” If we are going to save America, we need to be innovative and think differently about the challenges we face.

Economic Equality/Investing in Education

One of the biggest challenges facing America today is economic inequality. The gap between the rich and poor has been growing for decades, and it shows no signs of slowing down. In order to address this problem, we need to invest in education and job training programs that will give people the skills they need to compete in the modern economy. We also need to invest in infrastructure projects that will create jobs and improve our nation’s transportation and communication networks. This will not only help to reduce economic inequality, but it will also help to stimulate economic growth.

Learning service-based skills is also crucial in addressing economic inequality. As the economy continues to evolve, many traditional jobs are being replaced by automation and artificial intelligence. By learning service-based skills, individuals can adapt to these changes and remain competitive in the job market.

Understanding Money

However, addressing economic inequality is not just about investing in education and infrastructure. We also need to teach people how to think and understand money. This means teaching young people how money actually works, and how to invest in real estate and other topics that are not typically taught in schools so they can establish multiple streams of income and not be dependent on a 9-5 job. As inflation grows and the cost of goods become more expensive, those retiring 20-50 years from now will be in for a rude awakening.  Money will not go as far and many will be in jeopardy of working until they die with no retirement. We need to break away from a society dependent upon government programs; and a government that prefers it that way for political reasons.

Promoting Civil Engagement

Another major challenge facing America is political polarization. The country has become increasingly divided in recent years, with people on both sides of the political spectrum becoming more entrenched in their beliefs. To address this problem, we need to invest in programs that promote civic engagement and encourage people to have productive conversations about the issues that matter most to them without being immediately labeled by a growing list of words to limit freedom of speech.

We also need to invest in media literacy programs that will help people to better understand the information they consume and to distinguish between fact and fiction. The media outlets are extremely liberal biased at the moment and have been for years. Pushing a one sided narrative also further leads to the division of our country when those same conversations are held around the dinner tables, at work and among families. We need information sources that are not owned by one political party and the age old narrative of pay for play.

Dealing with Cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats are another major challenge facing America. As our society becomes more dependent on technology, the risks of cyber-attacks and data breaches become increasingly serious. To address this problem, we need to invest in cybersecurity research and development, as well as in training programs for cybersecurity professionals. We also need to promote better cybersecurity practices among individuals and businesses, such as strong password policies and regular software updates. With daily attacks to the nation’s power grids, just one failure could have longstanding horrific effects.

It is a fact that the annual cost to the US economy due to patent theft and types of intellectual property infringement according to a 2017 report by the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, ranges from $225 billion to $600 billion. This includes not only patent theft, but also copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets.

Some of the most affected industries by patent theft include technology, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. The theft of patents can lead to lost revenue for businesses, as well as decreased investment in research and development. It can also lead to lost jobs and economic growth.

Dealing with Food and Water Shortages

Another major challenge facing America is the issue of food and water shortages. With a growing population and changing climate patterns, access to food and water is becoming scarcer in many parts of the country. This problem is particularly acute in low-income and rural areas, where access to fresh and healthy food can be limited.

To address this issue, we need to invest in sustainable agriculture and water management practices. This means shifting away from the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers, and instead investing in organic farming methods that are more environmentally friendly. We also need to invest in water conservation and recycling programs, such as rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse systems, to ensure that we are making the most of our limited water resources.

Another important step is to invest in education and outreach programs to help people better understand the importance of healthy eating habits and sustainable food practices. This can include everything from community gardening programs to cooking classes that emphasize healthy and locally sourced ingredients. This can play a large role in the reduction of healthcare costs that plague our society.

In addition to these efforts, it’s also important to address the root causes of food and water shortages. This means working to reduce the impacts of climate change, such as by investing in renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also means addressing social and economic factors that contribute to food and water scarcity, such as poverty and unequal access to resources.

Prioritizing disaster preparedness and response efforts

Finally, it’s important to prioritize disaster preparedness and response efforts. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, can have a devastating impact on food and water supplies. By investing in early warning systems, emergency response infrastructure, and disaster relief programs, we can help to mitigate the impacts of these events and ensure that people have access to the resources they need to survive and not burden taxpayers.

Overall, addressing the issue of food and water shortages will require a multi-faceted approach that involves everything from sustainable farming practices to disaster preparedness efforts. By working together and investing in innovative solutions, we can ensure that all Americans have access to the food and water they need to thrive as a functioning society.

The BIG question is: But where should this funding come from?

Cut Defense Spending

One option is to redirect funding from other areas of the government, such as defense spending and the billions in endless government slush funds. It is about time a government audit takes place, which will most likely reveal billions of dollars that are endlessly wasted or at this time hidden.

While national security is important, it may be possible to reallocate some of the funds currently spent on defense towards other areas that are equally important for the future of America.

Cut unnecessary government programs

America is at the point now that we need to cut unnecessary government programs: Review all government programs and eliminate those that are no longer necessary or are not producing the desired results. It needs to be run as a business. And just like any business you can increase efficiency in government: The government can improve its efficiency by streamlining processes, reducing bureaucracy, and eliminating redundancies. With a 6 trillion plus budget a savings of 10% would not be hard to come up with. Therefore, 10% of 6 trillion is 600 billion in estimated savings. These savings need to be reinvested into the issues we are addressing, not the endless circle of government waste. A third party appointed by the people should have a say in where saved money ends up being invested.

Encouraging small business growth through incentives and tax breaks can help create more wealth in America by promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation.

Here are some ways the government can encourage small business growth:

Give tax credits and deductions instead of raising taxes.

More money in the market is what we desire, not in the government’s hands to waste. The government can offer tax credits and deductions to small businesses that invest in research and development, purchase equipment or hire new employees. These incentives can help small businesses save money and reinvest in their growth.

Access to capital:

The government can provide small businesses with access to capital through loans, grants, and loan guarantees. This can help small businesses obtain the funding they need to expand and create jobs.

Regulatory relief:

The government can reduce regulatory burdens on small businesses, making it easier for them to comply with regulations and focus on growing their business vs. applying damaging penalties for pointless matters.

Training and education:

The government can provide training and education programs to small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Procurement opportunities:

The government can provide small businesses with opportunities to compete for government contracts and procurement opportunities. This can help small businesses grow and expand their customer base.

There are over 31 million small businesses in the United States, which account for 99.9% of all businesses in the country. These businesses also employ nearly 50% of the private sector workforce in the United States. Taking care of this sector is vital to the success of our nation going forward.

Ultimately, the future of America depends on our ability to address these challenges and invest in the areas that will promote long-term growth and prosperity. With an America first mentality, keeping money within our borders and instead of solving other countries problems we have a chance.

We need to approach these challenges with a fresh perspective and develop innovative solutions that will help us to save America. It will take hard work, dedication, and a willingness to think differently, but the future of America is worth fighting for.